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Sell Bitcoin to Credit Card, Debit Card and Prepaid Card instant


easily, safely and quickly

Sell Bitcoin to Credit Card

Exchange your crypto coins to Credit Card, Debit Card and Prepaid Card. Sell your coins by exchanging them to US Dollar (USD), (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP), South African Rand (ZAR), Indian Rupee (INR) and Brazilian Real (BRL) through veroexchange.com – your USD, EUR, GBP, ZAR, INR and BRL will be transferred to your Credit Card, Debit Card and Prepaid Card within 3 hours.

No registration. Fast and easy currency exchanges do not play well with complicated user registration forms where all kinds of unnecessary information change hands, so we simply skipped that part.

We accept Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and Maestro,  American Express (Amex), Discover, JCB credit cards,  debit cards and prepaid cards.

Start exchanging Bitcoins to Credit Card, Debit Card or Prepaid Card. (USD, EUR, GBP, ZAR, INR, BRL) today!

Start a sell order:

  1. Go to Sell Bitcoin to Credit Card, Debit Card and Prepaid Card and start your exchange
  2. Select your currency
  3. Enter your name
  4. Enter a valid email address
  5. Enter your Bitcoin address in case of refunds
  6. Enter the Bitcoin amount you want to exchange into US Dollar (USD), (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP), South African Rand (ZAR), Indian Rupee (INR) and Brazilian Real (BRL) on your Credit Card, Debit Card and Prepaid Card
  7. Enter your Withdrawal method:  Credit/Debit Card
  8. Enter your Credit Card, Debit Card and Prepaid Card details
  9. Click “Exchange BTC” and send your coins to the unique Bitcoin address provided to you
  10. After we receive your coins we will send the US Dollar (USD), (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP), South African Rand (ZAR), Indian Rupee (INR) and Brazilian Real (BRL) to your Credit Card, Debit Card and Prepaid Card

Credit Card, Debit Card and Prepaid Card and Bitcoins facts

Credit cards as a payment method have a long history. The concept of using a card for purchases was described in 1887. It was a story from utopian novel, however. The fantasies became real in 1958 when Bank of America launched the BankAmericard in California. BankAmericard became the first successful recognizably modern credit card and with its overseas affiliates eventually evolved into the Visa system. In 1966 the ancestor of MasterCard was born when a group of banks established Master Charge to compete with BankAmericard. The same year Barclaycard in the UK launched the first credit card outside the USA.

The Bitcoin market cap are today more than 1 153 507 213 996 USD. There is a mathematical limit of 21 Million Bitcoins that can ever exist. Bitcoin is a secure digital currency, created by computers “mining” complex mathematical problems.